Wake Me Up For The Wedding

Processed with VSCO with c1 presetWriting this post is surreal for so many reasons. I had always told my family I was going to be 30 before I got married and may never have kids. When I met Zach, that all changed. Immediately I knew he was the one and I didn’t want to wait any longer than I had to, to be his wife. It’s so crazy to think that (God willing) I will be married by 22 and graduate Law School by 23. Before Zach and I got engaged I feel like I had our whole wedding planned via pinterest, trust me when I say, after you’re engaged looking at wedding stuff is 1,000x more fun.

Zach and I have been engaged for two months today and have done very little by way of wedding planner. The week Zach proposed I started my first set of finals, followed by Christmas, New Years and vacation. Finally getting to jump into planning has been so fun and I can’t wait to share some of things we’ve done so far.

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Thanks Tor for the cutest lil ring dish. ily! Zach did such an awesome job picking out my rose gold accented ring.


The first thing Zach and I discussed was date, or at least a general timeline. We ended up settling on the summer of 2019. We’ve tentatively set the date for July 20, 2019- contingent on venues in Columbus. July worked out the best for us because it gives me about 2 months after finals to get the last minute things done before the wedding. It also gives us plenty of time to honeymoon before I go back to school. So many people have stressed the importance of taking a honeymoon and not putting it off. My dad told me that he can remember more about him and my moms honeymoon (almost 33 years ago) than he can about our last 10 vacations. So many people have asked why not wait until I finish law school? By the time I graduate, study, and take the bar it will be nearly October and almost 3 years into our engagement. And lets be honest, I’m just ready to marry Zach as soon as I can!!!

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Absolutely in love with my Erin Condren wedding planner. It has EVERYTHING you can imagine, and the stickers make it even better.


Another thing Zach and I have been able to really solidify are our colors. Zach has few requests for our big day, one of them however, is that he would really like to wear his Army dress uniform. Being that his uniform top is navy and I love the combination of navy and blush, we jumped immediately to that. I want lots of blush, rose gold and gold accents everywhere. I envision jewels and flowers and obviously, lots of pink. It’s honestly so exciting to look at ideas and inspiration and dream about it being implemented in our wedding.

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Another thank you to Nicolette for the cutest Kate Spade tumbler, Noelle for the essential mug of all brides to be and Skyler for the best phone pocket equipped with my new initials.

Wedding Planner:

One of the most exciting things we have done so far is hire a wedding planner (and by that I mean we literally hired her today). My original plan was to meet with multiple planners and then make my decision. When I met our planner though, we clicked immediately. She is a full service planner and will be with us through all our big and small decisions, down to attending and coordinating the day of the wedding. She is amazing and I can tell already she will be able to make our dream wedding a reality. Hiring a wedding planner was extremely high on my priority list. Being in school full time, Zach working and being away with the military occasionally and my mom (my in house wedding planner) being an hour away at all times made the appeal of a wedding planner that much bigger. Zach and I have decided to have our ceremony and reception in Columbus and having someone who knows the market and a large amount of vendors in the area will take a lot of strain out of our planning process. I have been to very few weddings and had no idea the amount of things that go into a wedding. Looking at her list of services, I know that we are in good hands. We have not picked a venue yet but I have no doubt she will make our vision come true no matter where we choose.

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The biggest thank you to my soon to be hubby for asking me to spend forever with him. The beautiful ring is just an added bonus.


Although we haven’t got to plan too much, I am ecstatic for what is to come. I can’t wait to share our journey with my friends and family, and all of you who are kind enough to read our blog. I can’t thank all my awesome friends and family enough for their excitement and all the thoughtful (and super fun) engagement gifts that have been sent my way.

More details to come,

A & Z


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